jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011





                Hermanos surfistas de la República de Guatemala, estamos culminando un período más de existencia de la Asociación Nacional de Surf,  tenemos ahora la oportunidad de elegir a nuestros nuevos dirigentes esperando que se efectúe todo el proceso de una manera transparente. Con respeto me dirijo a ustedes, surfistas de todas las áreas, con ganas de progresar y llevar adelante nuestro deporte y nuestra cultura. Ser surfista es más que simplemente saber técnicas administrativas y financieras para echar a andar una empresa. Nuestra empresa, la que verdaderamente es la importante, se trata de sacar adelante un deporte, una cultura, un estilo de vida.  Nuestra persona de trabajo, el mismo surfista, quienes son los que directamente entrarán en un proceso formativo integral deportivo.  Somos surfistas y sabemos las necesidades de nuestro grupo. Con nuestro proyecto buscamos suplir las necesidades de nuestra gente en todo sentido. Bienvenidos a la era de los surfistas de Guatemala! Muchas gracias por su atención.
Edgar Guillén  -Candidato a presidente-  Planilla Los Surfers

                Surfistas con más de 15 años involucrados en el deporte. Profesionales en nuestras áreas (mercadotecnista, comunicador y abogado respectivamente)  Convencidos que sólo los surfistas conocemos las necesidades de los propios surfistas.  Involucrados en la vida deportiva elaborando eventos, talleres, películas, presentaciones de videos, conferencias, viajes, escuelas de surf, etc.  Dignos, honrados y preocupados por entregar a los surfistas lo que merecen. Amantes de la naturaleza , justos, incorruptibles y transparentes.





• Masificar y dar a conocer el deporte del surf a nivel nacional.
• Facilitar la práctica del deporte.
• Subir el nivel deportivo de los atletas en todas las categorías y géneros.


·         Lo primero y fundamental será el compromiso de transparencia entre la directiva, la asamblea general y los surfistas en general, compromiso de trabajo y de desarrollo conjunto en todas las áreas de la asociación, los surfistas y el surf en general.
·         Devolver al surfista nacional el autoestima y la confianza por sus autoridades, quiénes por fin estarán en toda disposición de escuchar peticiones de cada sector cuando sea su momento.  (Asamblea General).
·         Rescatar el nombre del surf nacional que se ha visto manchado por tantas faltas a sus propios reglamentos y por sus mismos directivos.
·         Relegar a los surfistas y compañeros profesionales en cada área los puestos que se merecen conforme a su desempeño y trayectoria en nuestro deporte.  (CONFEDE-DIGEF).
·         Contratar personas expertas en su campo para que sean parte de la administración de la asociación (estas personas serán escogidas en asamblea general).
·         Modificar los reglamentos de la asociación que fueron manchados por proteccionismos personales y en ningún momento a favor de los surfistas.
·         Esmerarse en la realización del circuito nacional antes de cualquier otro evento.
·         Reorganizar todos los lineamientos en cuanto a la elaboración de los eventos, los cuales también fueron alterados por conveniencia propia.
·         Entrega de equipo deportivo según el reglamento de entregas de equipo a todos los deportistas mejor rankeados. 
·         El equipo será de las medidas específicas solicitadas por cada deportista.
·         3 categorías de tablas y accesorios (A,B,C) para suplir a los surfistas mejores rankeados dependiendo sus posiciones y desempeño durante el circuito nacional.
·         Premios especiales a los mejores rankeados de cada categoría al final del circuito.
·         Entregar a los atletas élite sus viáticos de ley y extras en sus viajes y representaciones nacionales e internacionales.
·         Elección por votación de los nuevos encargados de playa.
·         Legalizar las asociaciones departamentales que ya están en trámite.
·         Empezar a constituir las asociaciones departamentales en diferentes sectores donde aún no existen.
·         Constituir y legalizar la asociación de Bodyboard, para que los atletas de esta categoría reciban el apoyo profesional en todos los ámbitos correspondientes a su rama.
·         Restablecer los programas de becas para los atletas mejor rankeados según el reglamento.
·         Organizar eventos de calidad en dónde todos los surfistas reciban el mejor trato en todo sentido para que su rendimiento sea óptimo en la competencia.
·         Restablecer los eventos de dos días.

·         Organizar una Triple Corona interna para motivar a todos los surfistas con premios en efectivo.
·         Comenzar con los planes de entrenamiento y escuela de primera enseñanza para nuevos surfistas, previamente discutidos y aceptados por los atletas e instructores de surf de las diferentes áreas dependiendo su nivel, género y rama.
·         Comenzar plan de capacitación para jueces y otros colaboradores dentro de la asociación para dar paso a un desarrollo humano en todas las areas del surf.
·         Comenzar con los viajes exploratorios experimentales, campamentos de entrenamiento y de fogueo dentro y fuera de Guatemala.
·         Comenzar plan de nutrición para los atletas.
·         Comenzar programa educativo (inglés entre otros) con los diferentes sectores.
·         Proporcionar ayuda espiritual, emocional y psicológica con expertos en el tema.
·         Búsqueda y negociación con patrocinadores para que se unan a nuestros esfuerzos por promover nuestro deporte y a nuestros deportistas.
·         Comenzar con el programa de divulgación y masificación del surf guatemalteco por medio de campañas publicitarias, promociones internas y externas, escuelas,  en fin todo lo que fomente el desarrollo y progreso de nuestro deporte.
·         Establecer un taller de reparación de tablas en cada área, equipados con las herramientas y materiales indispensables.
·         Compra de pick up doble cabina para viajes por la región para diferentes finalidades (entrenamientos, viajes exploratorios, transporte de equipo, otros).
·         Compra de motoneta para utilizar dentro de la ciudad y para llevar a los eventos para facilitar el transporte y la logística de las actividades programadas por la asociación.


·         Darle continuidad al proyecto La Casa del Surfistas, proyecto muy acertado pero nunca trabajado.
·         De igual forma el proyecto del reef artificial ó barra artificial será vuelto a la vida.
·         Una máquina para hacer tablas para así suplir la necesidad de la asociación de tan preciado elemento para practicar nuestro deporte.
·         Llegar a ser una federación conformada por muchas asociaciones y clubes departamentales.
·         Asistir y perseverar en la Integración Centroamericana de Surf y a su paso del tiempo la Confederación Centroamericana y del Caribe de nuestro deporte.


jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011

Bobby Martinez Disqualified from ASP Competition in New York.

Bobby Martinez

LONG BEACH, New York/USA (Wednesday, September 7, 2011) – Bobby Martinez (USA), 29, has been disqualified from the ASP World Title competition in New York. What follows is the correspondence between the ASP Rules and Disciplinary Committee and Bobby Martinez:
Date: 7 September 2011
To: Bobby Martinez
Date of offence: 7 September 2011
Dear Bobby,
We are writing to officially notify you that you have breached Article 151, contained in the 2011 ASP International Rule Book (Rule Book).
Article 151 outlines that all Surfers shall not at any time damage the image of the sport of Surfing
Article 151 has been breached as a result of the numerous comments you made publicly in an interview on the webcast of the current ASP World Tour Event in New York City, which included the following language:
“First of all, I’d like to say (an the ASP are going to fine me) ‘cuz I don’t want to be a part of this dumb f***ing wannabe tennis tour. All these pro surfers want to be tennis players. They want to do a halfway cutoff. How the f*** is somebody who’s not even competing against our caliber of surfers ahead of 100 of us on the one world ratings. They’ve never been here. They’ve never f***ing made the right to surf against us, but now we’re ranked upon them. Come on now. That’s Bullshit. That’s why I ain’t going to these stupid contests no more. This is my last one because FTW, my sponsors is here and I just tell it like it is. This is my last one and I don’t like tennis. I don’t like the tour… Who gives a f***? You know what I mean?”
“I’ve been here before. I love this city. I’ll tell you right now, if my sponsor wasn’t here, I wouldn’t be here for this dumb contest. ASP? They f***ing…surfing’s going down the drain thanks to these people.”
The interview was conducted on the event live webcast being watched by a global audience, which includes many young children.
Article 147 of the Rule Book provides the ASP Rules & Discipline Committee with the authority to decide appropriate penalties to be issued where there is a breach of the Rule Book.
After careful consideration of these comments and taking into account your multiple offenses of this Article during 2011 that clearly “efface a pattern of unacceptable conduct,” the Rules and Discipline Committee have approved the following action in accordance with Article 147.03 of the Rulebook:
Rule Breach: Article 151 – Damage to Surfing’s Image
Action: You are suspended from the ASP World Tour IMMEDIATELY. You will not take part in the remainder of the World Tour Event currently underway in New York City. A Rules and Discipline Report will be submitted to the ASP Board of Directors to consider expulsion for the remainder of the 2011 Surfing Season. Your suspension will remain in place until such time that the ASP Board of Directors have considered the Report.
Please refer to the ASP Rulebook at the link here for your rights to appeal this decision. Should you wish to have a written submission considered with the Rules and Discipline Report to be considered by the ASP Board of Directors in relation to this incident, please send it to rules aspworldtour.com before 12 September 2011.
Yours Sincerely,
ASP Rules and Disciplinary Committee.

miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011

REPORTE DE SURF Guatemala del 8 de septiembre al 12 de septiembre de 2011

Jueves 8 el tamaño disminuye respecto de los días que anteriormente se presentaron grandes las olas, ahora el tamaño esta en un rango de 3 a 5 pies.

Viernes 9, la mezcla de los periodos del  swell SUR,  traera cerrones de 3 a 5 pies.

Sabado 10, el periodo se mantiene mezclado en 10 y 14 segundos, nada significante y probablemente el día más pequeño de la semana, con cerrones de 3 a 5 pies.

Domingo 11, un nuevo Swell llega con periodos de 16 y 17 segundos, el tamaño incrementara durante el día alcanzando desde 4 a 6 pies y 7 en algunos sets por la tarde.

Lunes 12, el Swell continua construyéndose llegando a su máximo tamaño en la tarde en el día con tamaño en las olas de 5 a 7 pies. los periodos son de 16 segundos.

Spots ideales en cualquier beach break de preferencia iztapa o san marino.

martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011

Interview With Anastasia Ashley!

Entrevista realizada por Surf Report a Anastasia Ashley, una de las surfistas mas lindas del Tour. Recientemente fue entrevistada por la revista Play Boy. Le agradecemos a ella y a su asistente, Sarah Larson, por habernos concedido la misma. ¿Nombre y Apellido? 
Anastasia Ashley
24 Años.
Surfer Profesional
¿Hace cuantos años surfeas?  ¿Por que empezaste a surfear?
Empecé a surfear a los 6 años de edad, estaba siempre en el océano y en la playa, me parecía muy divertido, y todos mis amigos lo practicaban, por lo cual, yo quería ser uno más del grupo
¿Donde Surfeas?
Depende, me paso medio año en California, y la mitad en Hawaii. En California, por lo general surfeo en las playas locales de San Clemente, como Riviera and Statepark. En Hawaii, por lo general en alguna parte de la playa de Ehukai.

¿Hace cuantos años surfeas?  ¿Por que empezaste a surfear?
Empecé a surfear a los 6 años de edad, estaba siempre en el océano y en la playa, me parecía muy divertido, y todos mis amigos lo practicaban, por lo cual, yo quería ser uno más del grupo
¿Donde Surfeas?
Depende, me paso medio año en California, y la mitad en Hawaii. En California, por lo general surfeo en las playas locales de San Clemente, como Riviera and Statepark. En Hawaii, por lo general en alguna parte de la playa de Ehukai.
¿Cada cuanto surfeas?
Depende, por lo general trato de surfear todos los dias si las olas y el clima lo permite!
¿Cuales son tus spots preferidos?
Mi spots favoritos son Backdoor y Poinbreaks Down en México.
¿Cuál sería tu día ideal?
Un día ideal en mi vida sería levantarme a la primer hora de la mañana, ponerme una bikini, y
surfear durante todo el día con amigos. A la tarde comer una muy buena comida y tomar algunas margaritas José Cuervo al final del día!!
¿Torneos Ganados?
2010 Pipeline Women’s Champion
2008 APSPR Corona Tour Champion
Triple Crown “Rookie of the Year”
Airwal, Bazi, Jose Cuervo y Rusty Surfboards.

Gabriel Villarán / Innersection

Gabriel Villarán Innersection 2011

Gabriel Villarán se encuentra nuevamente nominado para tomar parte de Innersection, la más importante película de surf, compuesta por los videos más votados por el público.
Este 2011 el “cabezón” se encuentra participando con un nuevo clip filmado por Roger Velasco y Kyle Buthman. Espectaculares olas en Perú, Hawai, El Salvador y Tahiti han sido las seleccionadas para la edición de este segmento que busca colocarse entre los veinte mejores del mundo.
Gabriel Villarán Innersection 


viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011

Hermanos de las Olas Episodio # 1

Hermanos de las Olas Episodio # 2



Synopsis: “La Ruta Del Mojado” is a result from a video documentation made on a surf exploration trip around Guatemalan coasts.  A small group of surfers from Guatemala City made a surf trip to explore Guatemalan surf breaks, from the border of Mexico through the border of El Salvador. They also made a trip to surf the Caribbean, to explore calm waters from the North shore. The path from the border of Mexico through the border of El Salvador, which they were exploring, made them realize they were going through the path the migrants from Central America took to go to The United States. Here is where the name of the movie came out.



Title: La Ruta Del Mojado
Directed by Jose Guillermo Morales Ferulli
With Abner Rivera, Amos Rivera, Oved Rivera, Mario Estevez, Jaime Garcia, Kristoffer
Eklund, Juan Perez, Cristian Mendez, Victor Barrientos, Herbert Miron, Chela
Martinez, Chochi Morales.

martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

Kelly Slater Takes Out Billabong Pro Tahiti, Leads ASP World Title Race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Event No. 5 of 11 on the 2011 ASP World Title season, the Billabong Pro Tahiti culminated a historic incarnation of the event today, with the world’s best surfers pushing the performance envelope in incredible conditions.

Slater began to really pick up steam in today’s conditions, dispatching of an in-form Josh Kerr (AUS), 27, in the Semifinals before meeting lethal goofy-footer Wright in the Finals. The iconic American utilized his superior backhand tube-riding technique to post an 18.43 heat total out of a possible 20, which would prove too much for his younger opponent to overcome.
“I felt like I finally hit my stride in the Semifinals this morning,” Slater said. “In the Final, I fell on a couple of waves that were maybe better than what I ended up getting scored on. It put the pressure on me, and took the pressure off him (Wright). He got that really big one at the end that could have gotten pretty close to the score. These are the best conditions this event has ever run in. It’s been a phenomenal week.”
Coming into Tahiti rated No. 6 on the ASP World Title rankings, Slater’s win today rockets the Floridian to the No. 1 spot after a number of top seeds suffered early eliminations at the hands of an unmerciful Teahupo’o.
“It’s one of those weird events where you have to scramble through the early rounds,” Slater said. “Every year at this event, there are few of the top guys that lose in the early rounds and you have to scramble if you want a result here. You have to be in tune with the tides, swell direction and everything to make sure you get those waves that get you the score.”
Today’s win marked Slater’s 47th elite tour victory (out of 67 Finals appearances).

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011

REPORTE DE SURF Guatemala del 25 de agosto al 28 de agosto de 2011

Hola surf@s sentimos no haber estado presentes las ultimas semanas pero nos dimos un viaje de surf saliendo de Guatemala hasta Costa Rica estudiando y confirmando los datos que arrojan las boyas a lo largo de la costa del pacifico.

Regresando a tiempo para recibir el tour latinoamericano de surf en nuestras playas, vimos como Marcelo se comporto con toda la clase que tiene, generando buenas olas para la fecha.  Felicidades a los Chapines que representaron un papelón, pelados! 
Felicidades a  los brasileños que representados por Ernesto Nunes quien se llevo el primer lugar en la fecha de Guatemala.  

Nos quedamos en la espera de los próximos resultados de parte de nuestros corresponsales de Hermanos de las Olas  en la fecha de Nicaragua donde los Chapines iran en busca del titulo, del 26 al 28 de agosto.

Teniendo mejores puntos de vista acerca del clima que se aproxima, aqui les presento como se encontrarán las condiciones del Marcelo para esta semana en Guatemala y Centroamerica:
Miércoles 24, si tienen suerte encontraran justo el corto swell que entra en direccion 220 a 230 grados con un periodo de 17 segundos con un rango de tamaño de 4 a 6 pies con cerrones en algunas ocasiones, al parecer esto se presentara en algunos puntos pero en su mayoria se miraran olas mushies de 2 a 4 pies.
Jueves 25, el swell alcanza su punto mas alto con periodos de 15 segundos y un tamaño con rango de 4 a 7 pies, asi como el miércoles, solo en algunos spots va estar en estas condiciones, en los spots tipicos se veran olas mas pequeñas con menos energia.

Viernes 26, el nuevo swell de 215 a 220 grados puede empezar a levantarse un poco pero el tamaño de las olas se mantendra entre 4 y 7 pies con cerrones en algunos sets.

Sabado 27, se mira bastante similar al viernes con periodo de 15 segundos, continua el tamaño de 4 a 7 pies.
Domingo 28, un nuevo swell se presenta a 200-210 grados no siendo dominante, perdiendo un poco de tamaño y solo quedaran sobras del swell anterior con tamaño de 3 a 5 pies y cerrones en algunas ocasiones.

Spots recomendados para esta semana: todos los beach breaks, paredón, el punto, SanMarino, Puerto San Jose, Muelle Champerico, los Pinos, Emplaizada, Punta San Luis ( ahí si se vera el buen tamaño sólido!)
 Eso es todo por ahora, esten a la espera de un próximo swell de gran tamaño para el incio de septiembre.
Saludos a todos y Buenas Olas!

lunes, 8 de agosto de 2011

Bruce Irons Returns.

Bruce Irons, comfortable in his own skin and thankfully stoked on surfing again.Nine months after the death of his brother Andy, Bruce Irons hasn't muttered more than a word to the media. By his own admission, he's been in a dark place, insulated by family, friends, and handlers while he grieves and reconciles. But also by his own admission, he's back.
Today, Irons believes that Andy is in a better place, more comfortable watching down on him and maybe occasionally poaching a ride or two on his shoulder. It hasn't been easy, but by his own account he's come through with a newfound sense of commitment to his family as well as a rejuvenated passion for a sport that gave him and his brother so much.
ESPN Surfing recently sat down with Irons in Fiji, and if all the photos scattered about the Internet and bound for magazine covers aren't enough to convince you that Bruce is back, maybe his words will.
After everything that's happened, how are you holding up?
Well, right now I'm doing really, really good. The last couple months have been a lot of dealing with everything. I didn't accept my brother dying. But then when we got the results and it was the artery, I went and did a test, and my arteries are fine. Now I know and understand deep down inside that it was my brother's time to go and he's in a better place. Deep down inside I feel that, and I let that feeling go out of my stomach. I feel good because I can talk about it now. I know that he's always around. I'm comforted by that, and I know that he's in a better place. So yeah, I'm doing well. But it took months for me; I had to go deep down inside and do a bunch of self-realization. But now, you know, I'm feeling really good.
And how's the family doing, how's Lyndie and little Axel doing?
Axel Irons is doing really well, and Lyndie's doing good. That kid, yeah, he's the cutest little kid. I look at him; I see my brother in him. He has a lot of my brother in him. That will and determination, you know, it's really going to be a lot of fun and exciting to watch him and my new son grow up together. It's going to be really exciting to do whatever they want to do and be right there with them.
My daughter's only 2, and she already rules me. As soon as she yells "Yes!" my day is made. Then my wife, Mia, and I are having a boy in November. He'll be 10 months younger than my brother's boy, so they'll get to go to school together. For me, kids, I just realized that's for me. It makes me happy, keeps me straight and good. I learn so much from them. We don't have a name picked out yet for our son; we're thinking something crazy. I don't know, I say we wait until he's home. My friend brought his kid home and didn't name him for two weeks. It's like $25 for a late fee on the birth certificate. That's like returning a movie late to Blockbuster. You want to give your kid a name that suits them.
And you've been surfing a lot?
Yeah, in the last six weeks I've found my love for surfing again. I went on a couple trips to Costa Rica, Indo and now Fiji. I haven't had this surf stoke since I was a kid. I'm actually really happy about it. If I'm surfing and I'm stoked about it, everything else seems to fall into place. But a lot of this has to do with a [therapist] who helped me process and move all this old, negative energy out of my system. I give him a lot of thanks for how I feel right now. I really, really appreciate him helping me help me.
He must have done something. I haven't heard you this excited about surfing in a long time.
Me? Excited about surfing? Yeah, like I said, I'm more excited about surfing than I have been since I was a kid. I'm more psyched than I have been since I was a little kid. I have chicken skin talking about it. Like surfing for the love of just being in the water and going surfing. Surfing is what I did as a kid that brought me the most happiness, and it's back in my life and I love it. Staying in the water brings me happiness, and now I know what doesn't, so I know what I gotta do ... keep surfing.
You were starting to spend more time on the putting green than in the lineup.
I quit golf. No, I didn't quit, but it was distracting me from my surfing. I probably haven't swung a club in a year, but I still love the game and respect it. There's a time and place for it.
What's your dream round?
Oh come on, you know the answer to that. I'd play with Tiger Woods. I don't care what people say, he's still the man. Where would we play? Let's see. Makai or the Prince. Those are the two best courses in Hawaii.
You were also doing a fair bit of escaping on your boat. Still fishing?
Not as much as I would like to, but you know what, I just moved into a new house and my boat's there, so yeah, hopefully. I just sold my truck because I needed to get a bigger one to tow the boat, so I'm going to get that sorted out and do a lot of fishing ... because that is my therapy.
You seem to be a lot more open than you used to. You know, Andy was always the outspoken one; you were kind of more guarded.
People probably have a misconception of me because I don't do a lot of talking with everybody, you know. I go into my head a lot, and if I don't let you in I don't let you in, but it's not because I dislike anyone. It's just I'm trying to deal with myself and my own issues, personal problems and insecurities. But you know what? I'm totally comfortable with who I am and where I'm at. My new thing is the past is the past, you can't change it, moving forward, happy, positive, towards the light.
Finally, tell us a little about that wave in Fiji that has everybody talking.
The 10-foot-1 Pink Pony, now that I look at the pictures, that was the best backside tube picture I've ever got. I got super rag dolled and almost drowned, but you know what, I visualized that five minutes before I got it. Maybe not exactly like that, but something like that. Oh my God, it's just something that will stick in my head for the rest of my life. It was the most beautiful vision -- even though I almost drowned. I don't know, I get chicken skin just thinking about it.
It was Todd Morcom's board. Nathan [Fletcher] had caught his special wave on it, and then the next wave ridden on it was my wave, so yeah, thanks, Todd, for that.

miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2011

Chippa Wilson Signs With Arnette.

Aussie Aerial Assassin Chippa Wilson Joins Arnette Surf Squad FOOTHILL RANCH, Calif.; August 2, 2011 – Arnette is very proud to announce that Australian surfing powerhouse Christopher “Chippa” Wilson is the newest member of its surf team family.
“I’m super stoked to join a rad company like Arnette because it’s run by a cool group of people, the shades are great, and some of my favorite surfers are on the team,” says Chippa.
Hailing from Cabarita Beach on the East Coast of Australia, Chippa is a prominent force in the modern surfing revolution. With an effortless style and deep bag of innovative tricks on lock, the 23-year-old attacks the lip with reckless abandon, always looking to bend the law of gravity with his powerful aerial assaults. A hugely talented goofy-footer with a carefree attitude, penchant for tattoos, and unrelenting desire to punish waves of all shapes and sizes, Chippa is a dedicated waterman with passion and progression coursing through his veins. Last year his never-before-landed, skateboarding-inspired “Big Spin” made him a web sensation, and the solo film project he released with Analog, NOW, earned him a nomination as “Breakthrough Performer of the Year” at the 2010 Surfer Poll Awards.
It is crystal clear that Chippa has a bright future ahead of him, and he is definitely someone you can count on to always push himself and the sport to the next level. He is a valuable addition to Arnette’s global surf squad which is anchored by Fred Patacchia, Ford Archbold, Timmy Reyes and Mason Ho.
“We’re really excited to welcome Chippa into the family as the newest member of our global team,” says Arnette Team & Events Specialist Brent Bearden. “Chippa is super talented and he’s leading the charge on today’s progressive surfing movement. He’s all about having fun and doing things his own way – which is very Arnette – and his positive attitude and humble personality make him a great guy to be around. We’re stoked to have him on the program for many years to come!”
To celebrate Chippa joining Arnette, on Friday night, August 5th, a special “Welcome to the Team” party will take place at the Tiki Bar in Costa Mesa, CA. Open to the 21+ crowd with support from Shorescrew, this free event will kick off at 9:00pm with drink specials in effect all night and live performances by The Pricks and Snakebit Drifters.
In addition to Arnette, Chippa also surfs for Analog Clothing, Monster Energy, Kustom Footwear, Nixon, FCS, Gorilla Grip, and Shaping Co. Surfboards.
For more information, please visit: www.arnette.com | www.facebook.com/arnette | www.twitter.com/arnetteeyewear
About Arnette
Established nearly 20 years ago in the humble surroundings of a one-car garage in Orange County, California, Arnette shades and goggles are found on today’s most influential action sports athletes and lifestyle personalities. Each product is meticulously designed with the highest quality materials, providing lightweight wearability for unmatched comfort, fit and style. Arnette’s distinctive collection is available at action sports and specialty eyewear retailers worldwide.

jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

REPORTE DE SURF Guatemala del 22 de julio al 26 de julio de 2011

Hola Surf@s! 

El surf ha estado escaso, mucho tamaño, poco abierto, y si baja de tamaño muy aguado, y cuando esta bueno se pone reventado pffff IZTAPA ufffff, en fin lo importante es ir a visitar a MARcelo y hacerse la limpia, Él sabe cuando vamos y el día que este de buenas tubos para todos!!!

Para ponerlos al día de la situación climatologica respecto a los Huracanes que se avecinan, esta chika DORA que desordeno el mar durante la semana, al parecer ya se va moviendo para México, debilitándose hacia la costa de Acapulco.

El reporte de esta semana el dia viernes 22 se espera un combo de swelles en direccion S y SW empezando a disminuir el tamaño de 3 a 4 pies.

El sabado 23 se mira bastante similar al viernes....

Domingo 24 continua pequeño 3 a 4 pies y los swelles en la misma dirección con periodos de 13 y 14 segundos.

Lunes 25 similar al domingo...

Martes 26 un nuevo pulso llega alzando del tamaño de 4 a 6 pies con cerrones....

La marea esta llenando por la madrugada llegando  a tope de llena a media mañana y vaciando el resto, puede que esté aguado y solido en las olas más grandes del set...
short board session!

Buenas olas a tod@s!

domingo, 17 de julio de 2011


As monozygotic twins, the brothers Hobgood truly know each other like the back of their hands

Damien According to CJ:
1. He’s left-handed, which makes him stronger with his left hand a better backside barrel rider as goofies control their rail with their left hand.
2. He’s extremely patient, and it’s hard to really piss him off.
3. He’s always scratching and/or playing with his balls. Most of the time he doesn’t know he’s doing it until you point it out.
4. He has absolutely no style and wouldn’t even know if something looked good.
5. He can kick my butt and he always was the stronger one. When he does get mad, which isn’t often, I just run—I’m faster because he’s fatter.
Although Damien apparently has no style, he certainly carries himself with distinction in the tube at Off the Wall.

CJ According to Damien:
1. He smells everything. He’s always smelling his hands.
2. He has a few nicknames: Snapper Head, when he would get all mad at me, and Springo because he fell through the springs of a trampoline at a party once and his legs were dangling while stuck in the springs. Everyone at party saw and was laughing.
3. He zones out. Sometimes I think he is on another planet. I will call his name and he wont answer—just zoned out.
4. He’s smart. I think that is where his smarts come from—because he’s always zoning out, thinking.
5. I would say he is a more talented surfer than me, but I’m a harder worker so it evens out.
Springo sets up for a monstrous tube in Tahiti.

miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011

Battle Ready: Joel Parkinson on the Billabong Pro Jeffreys Bay

JEFFREYS BAY, South Africa (Wednesday, July 13, 2011) – Joel Parkinson (AUS), 30, is one of the best surfers on the planet. No one disputes that. After a decade amongst the world’s best, the Gold Coast style master has racked up 10 elite tour victories, 11 additions victories and inspired an army of youth to surf their brains out. The man has been one of the favorites in the hunt for the ASP World Title the past several seasons, yet injury has stalled any ascensions to the throne the last two years. However, Parkinson is healthy, he’s back in form and he’s back in Jeffreys Bay. JoelParko.com recently caught up with the man, the myth and the legend to see where he’s at and what he’s going to do. This…is their story…
Talk to me about the contrast between how you feel today, getting on a plane to J-Bay, and how you were feeling 12 months ago sitting on your lounge with a few dozen stitches in your foot?
My mind is pretty much the same. I think I dealt with the disappointment of the injury pretty well – but at least I’ve got a foot that’s not in two pieces. I’m so excited to go to J-Bay. I’ve wrapped myself in cotton wool this week and made sure I didn’t do a repeat of last year and got on that plane healthy.
Does it seem like 12 months ago since the injury?
Not really. I mean everything still feels kind of fresh for me, but so much has happened since then. It doesn’t feel like that long ago, but when you look back and realize what’s gone down since, there’s a bit in there.
How has your seven-week holiday from pro surfing treated you?
Awesome. I went to Bali for a Billabong boardshort shoot and got some amazing waves at Deserts, and I’ve just had an amazing week in Fiji. I had really nice Cloudbreak two days of epic waves, then the rest of the time just cruising and relaxing and enjoying island life with the family before I got stuck into 10 days of training at home getting ready for J-Bay and the rest of the year.
So your backhand tuberiding is probably going okay after Fiji, how are you going on your forehand?
I’ve gone right enough in my life for that to always be there. My backhand tuberiding is the one I love working on.
What’s the one thing you’re most looking forward to at J-Bay?
Everything. After two years, everything about J-Bay excites me, but the one that’s in the forefront of my mind is that wave. I’m so excited about getting there and surfing that wave again after two years away. So excited, just the sensation of going so fast. My first wave when I get there I’ll probably just fly along it without doing a turn and just soak it all up. I’m really excited about going back to J-Bay, but feeling really relaxed about going there at the same time, if that makes sense. Once you get there the whole vibe of J-Bay will take the edge off it and relax me.
Is surfing J-Bay instinct for you now after doing it for so long?
I guess so. The more you can rely on instinct out there and let the natural stuff take over, the better it is for your surfing. Better for me anyway. Trying to force something for me doesn’t work out there. It takes a little bit more time at J-Bay to assess the day – the direction of swell, the break between sets, which waves are hitting the reef just right – all those little things. But once you know in your head, which waves are the better ones, when you find the wave you want you can just go with it. Where you do your turns is the most crucial thing with J-Bay. Too early and the wave will take off without you. You just really need to be in a rhythm with that wave to surf it well.
What kind of surfing will win J-Bay?
That depends on the conditions, but in pumping J-Bay full rail surfing and monster turns with a couple of barrels will usually do the trick.

Given you’ve won here twice, how important is a result here at J-Bay for you?

I guess it is. We’ve had a break, we’ve had a bit of time off, and so it feels like we’ve just come out for the second half. No one can say they’ve got momentum. You haven’t surfed a heat in months and your mind drifts away from competitiveness when you have seven weeks off, so you have to get back in that zone and in that routine of getting ready for your heat and building that confidence again.
And there are a few unknowns at the back end of year?
I guess so, definitely. New York, I suppose you can prepare yourself for some pretty small beachbreak stuff. You never know, it might get some waves but from what I’ve heard it’s going to be pretty hard to run a good contest up there. You might have some moments, but all up it mightn’t be so good. San Francisco I have no real idea. I’ve heard it can get okay. I’m not sure what we’re going to get at either, but the one thing I know is that we’re all in it together. If it’s ordinary we’re all surfing the same thing. It will be one of those things that whoever adapts to what we get the quickest will win.
Looking at the ratings at the moment, do they mean anything to you? Guys like Taj and Mick have surfed as good as they can at certain stages but sit fourth and eighth. Do you give any weight to the ratings going into J-Bay?
Not so much. I think Adriano has been surfing out of his skin this year, but I think Taj has probably been the best surfer in the world with Mick not far behind, but their results haven’t been there and so they’re not up there. But there’s no point in looking at the ratings right now. Once the routine kicks in and these back-to-back events start to go down, that’s when you’ll see some shuffling and you’ll see who’s going to make a challenge. They’ll be worth a look then.
For more insights from the Gold Coast stylemaster, check out JoelParko.com
Catch Joel and the rest of the ASP Top 34 doing battle LIVE at the Billabong Pro Jeffreys Bay

jueves, 7 de julio de 2011

REPORTE DE SURF Guatemala del 8 de julio al 12 de julio de 2011

Viernes 8, aparece Swell en dirección SW, con tamaño 4 a 6 pies con periodos de 16 segundos.

Sábado 9, el Swell continua subiendo, manteniendose de 4 a 6 pies pero con periodos de 15 segundos.

Domingo 10, se mantiene el tamaño hasta tarde por la noche donde si duermen en la playa escucharan caer algunos bombazos!!

Lunes 11, el Swell continua aumentando, ya presenta tamaño de 6 a 9 pies o + con cerrones, los periodos se mantienen de 16 segundos....

Martes 12, ya empieza a retirarse lo grande, pero seguira manteniendo un tamaño moderado con periodos de 16 a 18 segundos con un tamaño de 6 a 9 pies +.... 

Eso es todo por ahora mantengase sintonizados para lo que trae MARcelo la proxima semana!

Buenas Olas!

miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011

REPORTE DE SURF Guatemala del 30 de junio al 5 de julio de 2011

jueves 30 junio se ve un swell pequeño..nada muy excitante pero le hace ganas....

Viernes 1 julio, no se ve que este pasando mucho, hay algo en tamaño desde 3 a 5 pies...en su mayoría no se mira como que va haber mucho..

Sabado 2, se mira similar al viernes sin mayores cambios, 3 a 5 pies...

domingo 3, pueden presentarse sobras de un swell que se presentó en el Sur de America (Perú), no muy excitante pero si divertido...

Lunes 4, se mezclan swelles y traen un tamaño de 4 a 5 pies a lo largo de la costa....viene en direccion Sur, mientras se construye un swell para los siguientes días, periodos de 13 y 14 segundos SW...

Martes 5, el swell se levanta con un tamaño de 4 a 7 pies con cerrones...periodos de 15 segundos en dirección Sur a 180 y 190 grados y combinado con un periodo 13 segundos en dirección SurOeste a 215 y 225 grados...

A partir de aqui se ve que vienen un par de pulsos cerca del 8 y 10 de julio... esten atentos que se presenta bueno para la canícula

Aprovechen este finde para RADICAL STYLE en los beach breaks predominantes...ahora si va para tod@s en todos lados desde Monterrico hasta Champe...agarren cualquier alfaque que trae olas..hasta sin leash (a los que los dejan) delen que se mira divertido este finde...El quiver que quieran mejor si es pequeño para más velocidad!

el finde se ve que va de llenando asi que aprovechen!

Buenas Olas a tod@s!


viernes, 17 de junio de 2011

REPORTE DE SURF Guatemala del 17 al 23 de junio de 2011

"Because that's all there is. Everything is some form of surfing. You surf on breath, and food, and money, and work, and sex, and religion. Whatever it is, you paddle out to it, you pull into it, you ride it, you pull out of it. Surfing on the ocean is just the biggest and best kind of surfing". Ten Reasons Why everyone SHOULD Surf!

UUFFFF PELAD@S... Se viene bueno..no tan perfecto pero buenos bombazos.....list@s con el quiver  mediano y grande para lo que viene en este equinoccio de verano.....

Viernes 17, el swell SSW va para abajo con periodos de 13 segundos, el tamaño va de 4 a 6 pies con cerrones, van haber otras olas más pequeñas en un periodo de 17 segundos más tarde en el día cuando entra el nuevo swell...yeahh!

Sabado 18, el swell que entro el viernes por la tarde llega a su pico con periodos de 15 segundos y con tamaño de 4 a 6 pies abeirtos y con cerrones....

Domingo 19, no hay muchos cambios , pero un pulso nuevo entra en direccion SSW con tamaño de 4 a 7 pies y periodos de 15 segundos... 

Lunes 20, el tamaño se ve que sube conforme pasa el día en direccion S.....

Martes 21, el día mas largo del año pelados...feliz día del surf... y se viene con todo MARcelo a celebrarlo con big momas!..... algo cerron por la direccion sur del swell a 16 segundos de periodo, el tamaño va 7 a 8 pies y posiblemente DOH (double overhead) y TOH (triple overhead) en las partes sures del territorio (cerca de puerto escondido)..suerte a ell@s!

Miercoles 22, el tamaño disminuye y sigue en direccion sur, con 15 segundos de periodo, se veran sets de 6 a 7 pies y probablemente mas grandes en algunos casos mas en direccion sur del territorio...

Jueves 23, una baja significante en el swell SUR, con un nuevo pulso de 15 segundos llenando en direccion SW a 210 y 215 grados, el tamaño va de 4 a 6 pies y pueden haber set con periodos mas largos de  hasta 20 segundos  en direccion SW a 220 y 230 grados...perfecto izkierrdass...

Con cuidado tod@s...lleven tablas extras y leashes extras....y fijo ceras de más.... y muchos NUGGETS!!!!

Rola recomendada de la semana BADFISH de Sublime jaja...

vivos pues pelad@s remenle porque el que se ahueva WAIPEA!!!

spots para visitar......iztapa, sanmarino, champe en el muelle, puerto san jose en el muelle, shhhh el punto esta epico pero si lleven brazos de repuesto la ola esta unos 200 metros adentro don aquilino le puso power a esa ola!....y de ahi si kieren irse de frescos vayan a las barras de kaka, o la de la empalizada y podria tambien funcionar sipa en rancho carrillo......
Con todo pelad@s y buenas olas!!